The new AnyRidge® Octa1 implant makes it possible for all clinicians to take the opportunity to offer their patients the advantages of AnyRidge®.
Having a slightly different implant body shape and connection but incorporating many of the key features of the AnyRidge® implant, Octa1 offers a simple solution for clinicians wishing to offer the best to their patients without making big changes to their current surgical protocols.
Key Advantages
- Incorporating key features of an AnyRidge® implant
- Higher compressive & fatigue strength with long-term biological stability
- Accurate positioning & excellent prosthetic connection (X-Fit™)
- No dependence on cortical bone for initial stability; decreased stress on cortical bone helps to prevent bone resorption after implantation.
- Advanced coronal design allows maximum cortical bone preservation around implants.more cortical bone
more soft tissue volume
beautiful gingival line
KnifeThread ® guarantees sustained implant stability
Thanks to MegaGen’s unique KnifeThread® and super self-tapping design, better initial stability can be attained in any compromised bone situation. The design enables bone condensing, gentle ridge expansion, maximized compressive force resistance, and minimized shear force production.1